Famous Wheels 2025
Venue: Queanbeyan Showgrounds
When: Sunday 16th February
From: 7:30am until 2:30pm
Hosted by: The Council of ACT Motor Clubs Inc.
Famous Wheels 2025 is sponsored by:
Click on the image below to download the poster:
Council of ACT Motor Clubs Inc.
presents the 44th occasion of 'Wheels', the Region's annual autumn display of automotive exhibits by heritage motoring enthusiasts.
The Famous Wheels 2025 display brings together veteran, vintage, historic, classic, and modified cars and bikes as well as modern and electric vehicles from the ACT and Regional NSW.
Wheels 2025 charity:
Yvonne Cuschieri OAM was the ‘founding mother’ of Queanbeyan's Cancer Support Group, and provided financial support and friendship to more than 30,000 cancer sufferers and their families.
Please give generously to continue Yvonne's work.
A celebration of 'Famous' vehicles
Last year Hot Hatches were 'the thing'. This year, we want you to tell us why your chariot is 'Famous'.
It may have featured in a block buster movie (DB5 or deLorean?), it may be an icon from the track (Alfa 158/9 or GT40?), it may be particularly quirky (Isetta, Trabant or an ARNA?), it may have been in the "right place at the right time" (The Canberra Pie Cart!), or possibly, it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time (Cyclone Tracy's Torana)!
But there will be a reason why your vehicle is 'Famous'!
There will be a trophy for a 'Famous' vehicle: it may not be the vehicle itself that wins the trophy, it may just be your story ... !
But without a story, it's likley to be considered as just another exhibit.
So, make sure that you tell us why its 'Famous'.
Wheels - The Ts & Cs
The Terms & Conditions - aka the fine print ...
- The entry fee for Exhibitors is $10 per vehicle.
Pre purchased tickets MUST be shown on entry.
Tickets will be available for purchase at the gate. - There is no admission fee for passengers or spectating visitors.
- Entry to the Showgrounds is via Cameron Road and then through the MAIN ENTRANCE off Glebe Avenue;
Marshals will direct vehicles to the appropriate gate into the Arena, and then to an exhibiting space. - Exhibitors should enter between 7:30am and 9:30am.
ALL exhibits are to be assembled by 9:45am at the latest. - ALL vehicles exhibited at Wheels MUST be registered and insured.
- For a Club to display their members' vehicles together, they MUST arrive and enter the showgrounds as a group, i.e. in convoy!
Unlike in previous years, there will be NO areas reserved for specific marques or Clubs. - In the interest of pedestrian and visitor safety, vehicle movements within the Showgrounds Arena will not be permitted between 10:00am & 2:30pm.
- The gates at the western end (yellow) and southern side (blue) of the Arena will be CLOSED from 10:00am (see map below)
- All exhibits are to remain in place until 2:30pm. i.e. after the award presentations.
- ALL vehicles EXITing the Showgrounds are to use the RED gate from the Arena, then EXIT the Showgrounds via the gate onto Cooma Street at the eastern end of the Showgrounds complex. i.e. at the opposite end to the GrandStand!
- The main gate on Glebe Avenue is for ENTRY to the Showgrounds ONLY.
The general public will be admitted between 10:30am and 1:30pm.
All attendees are encouraged to make a donation to the official Wheels 2025 charity. Note, this is separate from Wheels' entry fee!
Trophies will be awarded across a number of vehicle categories:
- Best Display by a CACTMC Affiliated Club
- Queanbeyan’s Choice - by Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council
- Best Featured Vehicle (Tell us why its "Famous"!) and
- Best presented Vintage or Veteran vehicle (pre 1930 car)
- Best presented Historic vehicle (1931 to 1995 car)
- Best Vintage, Veteran or Historic bike (pre 1996)
- Best presented Modified vehicle (car, rod, bike etc)
- Best presented Modern vehicle (1996 to 2025), includes all EVs
- Vehicles are only eligible for an award in one category!
- Only CACTMC Affiliated clubs are eligible for the Best Club Display!
- Award winners must collect their award in person at the presentation ceremony.
- Uncollected awards will be presented to the next most eligible entry in the category.
Showgrounds Maps
The following image provides an overview of the Showgrounds site.
It highlights the separate ENTRY and EXIT points for vehicles as well as the pedestrian entry/exit points.
Pedestrians going to or from QBN CBD are recommended to use the laneway along the northern boundary of the Showgrounds Arena.
Famous Wheels 2025 layout
- ENTRY to the Showgrounds is through the MAIN gate on Glebe Avenue (shaded GREEN). Please approach from Cameron Road, NOT Cooma St.
- EXIT from the ARENA via the gate at the eastern end (shaded RED)
- EXIT from the SHOWGROUNDS via the gate onto COOMA Street (shaded ORANGE). NB: LEFT turn only, towards Queanbeyan.
- The west (YELLOW) and south (BLUE) perimeter gates into the ARENA will be CLOSED from 10:00am - except for emergencies.
Showgrounds Arena Access Gates
When entering the Showgrounds ARENA, use the following gates:
- Outside Arena (south of Yellow Gate)
ALL Vintage & Veteran vehicles; Micro Cars - YELLOW Gate (west end of Arena, beside the Grandstand)
All European marques; All Bikes; All Asian marques - BLUE Gate (on southern boundary)
ALL British marques - RED Gate (east end of Arena)
ALL Australian and American makes;
inc. Street Machines; Meteors; Phantoms; Rods & Customs.
Buses; Caravans; Trucks also enter via the RED gate, park beside the gravel path adjacent to the fence. - MIXED MARQUE clubs: pick the most appropriate grouping above and park in that area!
- DISABLED PARKING is available on the outside of the Arena along the southern boundary, between the Glebe Avenue entry point and the Blue Gate - both sides of the road.
- TRAILER parking is available OUTSIDE the ARENA, in the south east corner of the Showgrounds complex.
Gate Marshals will have detailed maps on the day.
Vendor layout for Wheels 2025
A map of the Showgrounds Arena, showing the vendor and trade show layout for Wheels25.
Automotive Trade Vendors:
download the Trade Space Registration Form here.
Queanbeyan Markets
Famous Wheels 2025 is being held in conjunction with the Queanbeyan Market.
Famous Wheels 2025 will be located within the Showgrounds Arena, while the Market is located at the western end of the Showgrounds complex.
The arrangement with the Queanbeyan Market allows Famous Wheels 2025 to focus on automotive exhibits and automotive trade stalls; while the Queanbeyan Market provides access to craft, jewellery, fashion, homewares and plenty of food & drink stalls; thereby benefiting all who attend for either event.
Be sure to bring the whole family for a great day out.
Famous Wheels 2025
is organised by the Council of ACT Motor Clubs
in collaboration with Queanbeyan Market
Famous Wheels 2025 is sponsored by:
and supported by:
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council
and many local and regional businesses.
For further information contact the Secretary of CACTMC via email: info@CACTMC.org.au